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Huna International

by Serge Kahili King

Telekinesis (from Greek words meaning "far off" and "movement") or Psychokinesis (from "mind" and "movement" are two words referring to a mental or psychic ability to move things with the mind. I prefer the first one for reasons I will make clear.

In workshops I sometimes use a demonstration of how the mind can move an object without touching it. First, I claim that I will demonstrate it. Second, I will ask a person in the front row to lend me a pen. Third, after the person has handed me the pen and with pen in hand, I will raise it up and say, "Ta-Da! With the power of my mind alone I have caused this pen to appear in my hand!"

Then I explain that I began with a thought that was converted by nerves into a physical movement that produced a pattern of sound that was interpreted by the other person as a request that stimulated nerves to produce a reflex pattern of physical movement that placed the pen in my hand. Telekinesis, because my thought set off a series of events that resulted in my receiving the pen without any effort.

Looked at that way, practically anything could be attributed to the power of the mind, but my point was to demonstrate how the power of the mind works. By itself, a thought does not have the energy to move a physical object, but it does have the energy to move something else to move something else to eventually move a physical object. In the above example, a thought moved my nervous system to move my muscles to produce a sound specifically designed to move a thought reaction in the other person that moved that person's nervous system to produce a muscle reaction that handed me the pen.

In short, the power of the mind by itself is so small that in order to produce an effect in the physical world it must work though a medium. Think of chaos theory, which suggests that a butterly waving its wings in Japan can cause a storm in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. Not directly by any means, but indirectly through a whole series of events that become more and more powerful.

And yet, there do seem to be occasions where the mind is definitely and directly causing physical movement.

A famous example named Nina Kulagina astounded the world in the 1960s with her ability to move objects like cigar tubes and pens on a table just by staring at them. I really ought to say "apparent" ability, because detailed research in how she went about it revealed that she would spend hours before a performance building up an intense emotional state and she would be exhausted afterward.

Another famous example is that of poltergeists, around whom physical objects fly outward. The person involved is almost always an emotionally disturbed teenager. I had occasion to work with a young man whose emotional outbursts caused andirons in a fireplace to melt and kitchen utensils in a separate room to bend as if hit by a wave of force.

A third example are "spoonbenders (not the novel)." Uri Geller made this famous, but thousands of people around the world have tried it and done it. Again, from the outside it looks like a purely mental thing, but I decided to give it a try and I have two very nice silver forks bent all out of shape with very little effort. I taught the young man mentioned above how to do it and he succeeded with no apparent effort at all. What I discovered was curiously interesting. First, instead of a strong emotional state, it took a gentle one that I can only describe as "loving confidence." I watched the young man hold a half inch thick copper rod about a foot long, gaze at it, and saw the rod lazily fold over. For myself, I would hold a silver fork and rub it lightly until I felt a kind of "rightness" about our connection. Then I applied gentle pressure and the handle or tines of the fork would bend easily until I lost the connection. In courses, I taught people to do the same thing with hardened copper fittings. Most interesting was the fact that the easiest things to bend were objects made of the best electrical conductors, like silver and copper.

A fourth example is a very simple kind of spinning device. The first one I ever tried came in a plastic box with a windmill-type object made of 5 narrow aluminum armsa couple of inches across, and a needle. There was a hole in the box where I could insert the needle, and the "windmill," slightly bent like a tent, was placed on top. Then I had to place my open hands on either side of the "mill" and will it to turn. It didn't take me long to learn that I needed to employ the same kind of "loving confidence" state as with the forks. I got very good at making it spin, so good that I once appeared on television for a successful demonstration. Later, I found that I could accomplish the same effect using a paper cup turned upside down, a push pin on top turned upside down, and a 3-inch square of paper folded in a tent-like shape.

So, what is this leading to?

A fact I mentioned earlier. The mind by itself can't move anything, but if it works through a medium, it can. What medium? What I like to call the Emotional Field that connects us with everything else. I also discovered that the less dense the physical objective, the easier it is to move it with the right emotional state. So air/wind is very susceptible to mental-emotional influence, which may be why we are so successful with moving hurricanes.

Lately, I've been experimenting with influencing wireless connections with good results. What I do when I encounter a spinning circle on my computer or TV screen indicating a slow connection, is to surround the circle with a triangle (See "Healing Shapes") to increase the speed of the connection and I add a graphic symbol of someone running inside it. Am I influencing electrons? I don't know. Amazing how well it works, though.

I'm still experimenting. Why don't you try some things? We may be on the brink of something really wonderful.

Copyright Huna International 2019

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