Huna Article
Huna International

A "Susan" Adventer On Kauai by Paul Waters and Tom Vonderhaar
Aloha International's assistant director and bodywork instructor, Susan Pa'iniu
Floyd, has a reputation around the world for turning ordinary events into
unforgettable experiences. Here are different versions of the same event, as
seen through the eyes of two students.
VERSION ONE - by Paul Waters
The principle of Aloha now carries special meaning to our Kino Mana class held
in February 1996 with Susan. It was our fifth day of the course, learning
Lomi-Lomi techniques and movements, Kahi Loa skin massage, a 19th century hula,
chants, and outings to places of spectacular natural beauty on Kauai. The
weather was overcast with gusting winds up to 30 miles an hour as we met that
morning. There was a chill in the air, yet we unanimously elected to take a
nature hike in Kokee, a wilderness area in the mountainous interior of
the island. So the eight of us bundled up, gathered enough foodstuffs for the day and headed out in two 4x4s
up 4000 feet through the breathtaking Waimea canyon to Kokee, stopping often to absorb its beauty.
Paradise has its price, however. To see some of the gorgeous views of the
canyon requires lengthy traverses on rough trails well off the Park roads. It
was on one such as these that we encountered THE RUT. You might have seen
something similar. It's a situation where solutions are difficult to see and
options seem to limit themselves, so creativity and power must be used to keep
from being stuck. And we were STUCK! Eight shaman nature walkers 4000 ft. up
mountain, with a 4x4 entrenched in over 2 feet of muck, mud and mire,
spinning its wheels deeper and deeper with each attempt to move. Luckily it was
stuck less than 50 yards from the trail we were to hike on, so a few of us went
ahead while the others contemplated how we were going to get out.
The first idea was to make a rope, tie it to the other vehicle and try to pull
it out. With a bit of ingenuity, one of our shamans made a strong cord out of
some clothesline and nylon fiber Susan had brought. We then tied it to each
vehicle, had 2 people stand on the back bumper while others lifted and pushed
the front end of the stuck truck. A good idea, but not for this rut.
Remembering as shamans that there is always another way to do anything, we
thought some more, until a new idea popped up. We would gather sticks nearby to
put under the wheels for traction and use large branches from nearby trees as
levers in the front of the truck to pry it out as we again attempted to pull it
out with the other vehicle. Again it would not budge and the wheels kept
We had been working at this for over an hour now with seemingly little success.
My ku was reminding me of earlier, similar experiences in my life where
frustration and anger might have set in, but this day was different and this
group was special. After all, to love is to be happy with, so jokes were being
made of the situation and a spirit of teamwork prevailed. It was suggested that
someone go to for help, but no one wanted to leave the group, so
new ideas were
We decided to bail out the mud from the rut to possibly get a reassessment of
our predicament. Another hour or so later (this muck was DEEP!) we could
finally see far enough under the truck to notice the rear axle firmly propped
on the center hump of the rut. Enter another idea. We would jack up the back of
the truck as high as possible and start digging out the hump. Our tools for
this endeavor consisted of only a small 12" shovel and the jack handle.
Although the truck was jacked up in a very precarious position we had little
choice but to crawl under it carefully and dig, and dig, and dig until we
thought it would be clear from the rut when we let the jack down again. It was
now time to again jump in the mud, lift the front end and pull the truck out
from behind with the cord made earlier. Still joking and in amazingly high
spirits, everyone took their positions and gave it one final, all out
Success! It moved! I think the elation and shouts of joy could be heard
all the way back in Germany!
Now on to a glorious view of the canyon from atop a remote mountain deep in its
center, where we shared the power and incredible vista of one of the most
beautiful spots on Earth. I give a big mahalo and Aloha nui loa to all who
participated in this fantastic adventure.
VERSION TWO - by Tom Vonderhaar
On Wednesday of our Kino Mana classs Susan suggested that we needed to get out
and hike in the forests of Kaua'i. After a vote, we all piled into two
"4-wheelers" and off we went. We stopped at a Menehune Food Mart for
our picnic lunch and were off for our big adventure. Down to the south end of
the island we went, and up Waimea Canyon Road. The views were beautiful, even
if Hi'iaka, spirit of the wind, was especially active that day. She was so
active that the wind was clocked at about 50 miles per hour, which made the
light drizzle feel like a sandstorm. After stops at the two lookouts and lots
of photos we set off for a spot for lunch and our hike.
We drove off the main road and back into a forest that could have been in the
Amazon Rain Forest, for as good as the roads were. After lunch at a picnic
table by one of the gorges that make up Waimea Canyon, we loaded up the
4-wheelers again and set off down roads that didn't look like anyone had been
down them for years. The potholes and ruts in the road were incredibly deep,
and Susan seemed to be making sure that she hit every single one of them.
As we bumped along, getting bounced first this way then that, Susan remarked
that we were almost there. "In fact," she said, "a lot of people
park here and walk to the trail." Thirty seconds later she drove into a
puddle that resembled a small lake and was stuck, stuck hard. Her 4-wheel drive
was not going anywhere. The water was almost covering her tires. With no chain
in either car, Uta braided a nylon rope and tied it to the rear of Susan's car
so that the other car could perhaps pull it out. Then the adventure
Susan in her rubber shoes and old clothes waded into the small lake and said,
"Come on in, guys, and help me push!." Paul and I, being the only
guys in the group, started taking off our shoes and socks and rolling up our
pants legs for the big push. Not only was the water cold, the mud and water
were deep - about 18 inches in spots. With everyone in place, we started to pry
the car out. Not even a budge. Out of the mud we both came, covered from our
knees to our toes. Susan sent some of the others on to the hiking trail while
the rest of us tried to come up with a solution. Someone thought we needed to
empty "Lake Susan Floyd," but with no buckets on hand it called for
some creative thinking. First the cooler, then the juice bucket, were called
into service. I crawled back in while Paul (who, originally coming from
Chicago, was the expert of the group in freeing stuck vehicles) went
for sticks to give us traction.
After about ten minutes of bailing, with no obcious effect, Susan said maybe we
should dig a trench to drain the pond into a nearby drainage ditch. Now where
were the Menehunes when you really needed them?
Someone mentioned maybe it would be easier if we chanted. The chant that came
to mind was too obscene to be repeated here. Presently Susan noted that her
strength weakened
when she laughed, which at this point was often since I was
on comic overload. Serge says that when you laugh you are stronger, but we were
not feeling very strong in spite of our laughter. Davina then pointed out that
the laughter released the tension and renewed us. "Wow!" said Susan.
"What a great lesson." (Gee, Susan, could we have learned this
profound lesson in an easier way?) More obscene chants, more bailing. I tried
to get Susan to levitate her car out of the slime to no avail. More obscene
chants, more bailing. After about thirty minutes of this we actually began to
get close to the bottom of the water, which left only the six inches of thick
soupy mud. It was now time to try prying the car out again. Still no movement,
and the time was getting late. Soon it would be getting dark.
I climbed out of the mud while more brainstorming took place. This fashionable
Hawaiian mud bath and the 60 degree temperature were getting old. Going to get
help was brought up for the tenth or eleventh time, but was rejected as
impractical - only Susan really knew how to get out and she wouldn't leave her
Paul suggested that if we could jack up the rear of the car and put sticks
under the wheels to get more traction, the car would come out. When the car was
fully jacked up he suddenly noticed that the differential was stuck four inches
deep in the hard clay between the deep ruts on either side, which finally
explained why pushing, pulling and prying had not helped.
Susan and Paul got down on their hands and knees to start digging out the red
clay under the differential, with Paul loosening up the dirt with the jack
handle and Susan using her small shovel to push the clay out of the way. After
they had cleared out a path for the differential we waded back into the mud
bath, and after a good, hard push, out she came. Celebration time!
We then hiked the fifty feet to the start of the trail and went on to see a
spectacular view. We also managed to get back to the main road just as darkness
fell. Perfect timing.
The moral of this story is that the 7th principle really works, effectiveness
is the measure of truth, and when Susan says you're going on an adventure, it
is sometimes more of an adventure than she plans.
I would like to say a special thanks to the whole class for making our big
adventure such an unforgettable experience.
Copyright Huna International 1997