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Aloha Newsletter
August 2007

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Excerpt from "Dangerous Journeys," by Serge Kahili King:
"In general (said Gramps), the scientific community assumes that only a small portion of the universe is alive... The thing is, there is no way to prove that the assumption is true, even if you make up strict rules about what constitutes life. It has its uses as an assumption, though. For instance, it gives you permission to do whatever you want with dead matter and non-living energy without any ethical considerations other than its potential effect on living matter. The downside is that there is a whole lot of universe that you have no communication with... By contrast, the shamanic community generally assumes that everything is alive. However, this assumption cannot be proven, either. The advantage is that you can communicate with everything, as long as you learn the right languages, and that means you can learn from the universe and you can teach the universe."

Aloha International News

The really big news is that Aloha International has created a Huna Village and Hawaiian Cultural Center in the virtual world of Second Life. If you are interested in visiting it and you already have access to Second Life, open your Search window and type in "Huna Village" and teleport right to it. If you wonder what this is all about and you would like to know more, go to our new Pali Uli Hut. Aloha Fellowship members have special privileges there and you can email for more information.

In other news, starting in November, the course "Advanced Huna Healing" has been changed to "Hawaiian Shaman Practice." Use the Workshop Hut link at for details.

Current Articles on the Web at
"The Legend of Queen's Bath'" by Serge Kahili King
"What Does That Mean?" by Serge Kahili King
"On Being Bold" by Susan Pa'iniu Floyd

Check out the new photos of our virtual Huna Village.

Participate in our world-wide healing work at the Healing Hut.

New at The Huna Store:
"Self Confidence and Self Esteem" DVD.
"Goddess Stories" DVD (told by Serge Kahili King).
"Huna To The Rescue" DVD ("first aid" techniques).

Upcoming Events
Check the Huna Calendar for:
September 9-14 Hunaquest with Serge Kahili King and Fern Merle-Jones in Hawaii
September 13-December 7 Urban Shaman Course Online with Katherine Veilleux
September 26-30 Hawaiian Massage with Susan Pa'iniu Floyd in Zurich, Switzerland
and more...

Ho'omoe wai kahi ke kao'o
Let's all travel together like water flowing in one direction

palm isle
Contact Us

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19-4174 Kalaninauli Rd. Volcano HI 96785
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